Sunday, July 31, 2011

Scenes from the Trail

One of my favorite places to run is Town Lake.  I love the sound of the gravel crunching beneath my shoes as I wog along the trail that winds through the lush greenery around the stretch of the Colorado River that is a lifeline through the city of Austin.  Not only is it beautiful but it certainly keeps my weekly treks from becoming monotonous.  The natural scenery is wonderful but I also enjoy seeing the different types of people on the trail - different body types, different paces, different styles of running.  I am also inspired by the athletes I see on the trial.  On any given day, one can see professional athletes training for their next big race, people working out to stay in shape and novices that are just getting adjusted to the heat and moving their bodies.  The professionals inspire me because I admire their dedication and I must admit, I do envy their incredibly toned bodies.  I am certain that the elderly men and women out on the trail can run circles around me and that inspires me.  I hope to be that fit and healthy when I am in my golden years!  Of course, there are the Kens and Barbies that look too perfect for words (and, yes, I occasionally find myself rolling my eyes when they trot by me) but there are also a lot of people just like me that are trying to improve and do good things for themselves.  I can see their energy when they start out at the beginning of their run and that is infectious but what really inspires me is when they keep going even after they are pouring sweat and their bodies are telling them to stop.  The fact that they push through the pain renews my spirit.  I marvel at their tenacity and I think that if they can do it, I can too!  Seeing the excitement and pride of others when they discover they are able to do things that they didn't think they were capable of inspires me.  It renews my enthusiasm for my sport and for working out in general.  I like knowing that I'm not alone in my quest for better health and fitness.  As cheesy as it sounds, I wish I could give all of my kindred spirits out there a hug and let them know that I can understand their struggles.  But, instead, I smile at them and they smile back. 

Here are a few scenes from the Town Lake Trail.  Hope you have a place to walk/wog/run that inspires you!  

Happy Trails!

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